Does Your Union Support
Nineteen unions representing nearly 10 million workers have stepped up to endorse HR 1384 The Medicare for All of of 2019. This means that a majority of union members are now represented by unions that support Medicare for All.
What has caused this sea change? Unions have come to the conclusion that the time has come to take healthcare off the bargaining table by making it a right for everyone in America. Washington State Labor Council President Larry Brown laid it out in a recent Op Ed:
"(H)ealth care has become the biggest cause of strikes, lockouts and concession bargaining. Health care costs drive wage stagnation as unions routinely trade off wage increases and other benefits in order to maintain basic health care for their members and retirees. Unscrupulous non-union employers gain an unfair competitive advantage over worker-friendly businesses by shortchanging their own employees' health care benefits...Unions do not serve their members well by trying to circle the wagons around an unsustainable model of employment-based health care."
The Labor Campaign for Single Payer believes that unions must lead the fight for healthcare justice by committing organizational resources and mobilizing political support for Medicare for All. A majority of the labor movement agrees with us. Is your union on the list?
HR 1384 Endorsers
Amalgamated Transit Union
American Federation of Teachers
American Federation of Government Employees
American Postal Workers Union
Association of Flight Attendants
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes/IBT
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
International Association of Machinists
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers
International Longshore and Warehouse Union
Massachusetts Nurses Association
National Education Association
National Nurses United
National Union of Healthcare Workers
NY State Nurses Association
PA Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
Service Employees International Union
United Automobile Workers
United Electrical Workers
United Mine Workers of America
Utility Workers Union of America
Contact us at for suggestions on how to get your union involved in this historic fight.